One Track Mind***Updated

Ok, so I know this is all I've been talking about lately, but my mind is consumed by it. I am still in limbo, though, as the days progress, I am feeling less and less hopeful. What I thought might be implantation bleeding has not stopped- like it should. It's gotten slightly heavier, but still no different than, say, the last day or two of AF. I had a very grumpy, tired, crampy day yesterday. So much so that I went home early from work and Matt VOLUNTEERED to go do our grocery shopping. AT WALMART. BY HIMSELF. I was shocked and very pleased that I didn't have to go. I stayed home and rested. Poor guy dealt gracefully with my bitter countenance all evening. I love him so.

Anyway, I think I'm going to try calling my doctor today. Maybe he can shed some light on my current situation. I'm hoping to get some sort of explanation for what's been going on, but I'm pretty sure they'll just tell me to take a test- which frustrates the living crap out of me. I have thought of taking a test, and my best friend has even given me some insight into a good one, but I guess I'm just a little afraid to. I hate being in limbo, but with all the craziness going on...I'm afraid of getting a false negative, or a false positive. So, I've decided to wait it out. If nothing changes by Saturday, I will take a test. For now, I'll just sit here on the edge of my seat.

***Hello AF. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are like that annoying person you can't get rid of. The person that constantly interrupts a quite couple moment, family gatherings, and pool parties because you show up either uninvited, early, or late. I go for so long without seeing you and just about the time I think you're going to leave me alone, you rear your ugly, red head. Not to mention the pain you bring emotionally and physically. I'm sorry, AF, but right now, I hate you.

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